Ali Shah Reinvent

Reinvent Yourself to Unlock Your True Potential: Speech at NUST (National University of Sciences and Technology)

Ali Shah was invited by National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) to deliver a talk yesterday. The topic was: Reinvent Yourself to Unlock Your True Potential. It was an engaging session followed by 30minutes of Q&A and another 30minutes of one on one questions by the students. The quality of questions by the students was good and I thoroughly enjoyed engaging with them.

Key points from this session:

1. Live a purpose-led life. Most of us go through our lives without discovering our WHY. That leads to lack of fulfilment. As a result, many of us end up doing work we don’t like. Finding your purpose leads you to unlock your true potential and become successful in life.

2. Reinvent yourself after every few years by learning new skills. Our world is changing rapidly and if we don’t reinvent yourself, we’ll become irrelevant.

3. In student life, in addition to learning technical concepts, focus on learning communication skills. Start networking. Create profile on LinkedIn. Start attending relevant events.

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